Java Basics - Variable and Data Types Part 1

Declaring and initializing a variables:

int box; //declare variable type and name.
box = 5;  //initialize variable

Updating and setting avariable:

box = box -3;
//read from right to left
//the box now is equal to the integer of 2, because  5-3=2

Displaying the above variable to the outside world:


You can also declare and initialize in one statement: ie int price = 0;

Declaring a String Variable:

String driver; //declare
driver = "Hamish" // Initialize

Getting the length of the string

int letter = driver.length();

Displaying the above variable to the outside world:

System.out.println(letter); //Notethe out put would be 6.

Changing to all upper case:

driver = driver.toUpperCase(); //Now the string is "HAMISH"

String Concatenation

String firstName;
firstName = "John";

String secondName;
secondName = "Bloke";

String fullName = firstName + secondName;

System.out.println(fullName ); //This would print out JohnBloke

//You can println variables and strings at the same time: (variable + " hello")
//If variable = 6
//The result would be "6 hello"


Basic Rules On Variable Names.

1. Variables should always follow the lowerCamelCase rule. ie String firstVariableHere
2. Variable names are case sensitive.
3. Start variable names with a letter and nota number
4. Cannot have white spaces in a variable ie "Stock Price" is not acceptable.



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