Java Basics - Control Flow and Conditionals 1

IF Statement 

Using Boolean Varibles in If statements.

The below if statement will execute only when true. ie if(1){}

boolean isCold = true;

//execute code
Variable scope is the block of code where a variable can be used and referred to.

Else Statement

boolean isCold = true;

//execute code
//execute code

Else if  Statement

An else if comes after an if statement

boolean example1 = ?;
boolean example 2 = ?;

if(example1) {
//execute code
else if(example2){
//execute code
//execute code


Boolean expressions

This is where we compare numbers or variables to true or false

boolean b1 = 3<5; //this will evaluate to true.
boolean b2 = 5<3; //this will evaluate to false.

Side Notes:
 ">" and "< " always come before "=" in expressions. For example  x>=10 or x<=7.
The "==" is an check for equality sign. while "=" is an assignment expression
The "!=" is a check for not equality.


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