Java Basics - Arrays 2

Arrays and Loops

We can pass arrays through functions.

For example public double calculateAverage(double [] temperatures){

If we look up and index beyond the size of the array we will get the following error: "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"

Therefore it is important to check that the array is not out of bounds.


How to search for the minimum number in the array:

Lets make the following program:

*Searches an array of speed for the fastest(smallest value)
*@param speed array of speeds
*@return double the fastest speed found

public double search(double [] search){
int size = search.length;
double min=speed[0];

for(int i = 1; i<=size; i++){
   if(search[i]<min) min = search[i];

return min;


How to reverse an array of strings example

public void printInReverse(String[] stringArray) {
for (int i = stringArray.length - 1; i>=0; i--){


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